Mark your calendars
‘M’ Preview & Christmas Shopper Appreciation Party
Wednesday, Dec 4th from 4:30 – 6:30pm
1411 Delaware Avenue
It’s a party!
Not only can you view all the items in Auction M, but we are pulling out all the stops to say Thank You to our loyal shoppers! We will not reveal all that we are doing, but there will be some of our favorite hot & cold appetizers and treats, hot & cold beverages, live piano player, stocking stuffer items to purchase, and more.

Our Christmas event always includes a focus on giving back to the community. This year is no exception. From our ‘Caring for a Cause’ Corner:

Coat & Blanket Drive
Bring coats and blankets for Catholic Action Center
receive a free gift!
We need all the coats and blankets you can carry so we can make an impact in our community this winter! Also remember – all proceeds from our Charity Christmas Store and Cash & Carry Store will be donated at the end of the year to one or more local charities. Lots of great Christmas items left – Christmas trees, lights, ornaments, decorations, dining, stockings, and more! Make sure you go to our Facebook page (Caring Transitions Lexington) to LIKE and SHARE our event post so you can help spread the word. Bring your friends and co-workers! The more the merrier.